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T300 RS RACING WHEEL (4160681) Realistic, accurate transmission of the different elements of each race directly to the user’s hands makes this motor a must-have. Contrary to a simple brushed motor, the brush less motor technology built into the T300RS series racing wheels also allows for an extremely quiet racing experience.

The brushless motor’s endurance allows the racing wheel to maintain constant intensity and power in terms of Force Feedback, avoiding a loss of sensations even during very long gaming sessions.

As opposed to brushed motors, this brushless motor technology provides stability and dynamic performance for the driver right through to the end of every race.

The dual-belt mechanism allows for smoothing out of the different data elements received from the race course or circuit.
Thanks to its direct link to the brushless motor, the system removes the possible presence of any dead zones and decreases uncomfortable jolting, without detracting from the power with which effects are transmitted to the user, for optimal realism in all racing environments.

Rs. 49,990.00

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